Bright Bridge Web


Explore some of our finest projects from the past. By scheduling a consultation, you too could have the opportunity to be featured among our success stories!

Solidbase IT


Solidbase IT is an IT company dedicated to “IT Consulting”, “Cloud Solutions”, “Network Design”, “Cyber Security” and more. This was an existing website we transferred from their custom-built PHP web app to WordPress. While transferring to WordPress we included Microsoft Booking.

Utah Municipal Power Agency


Utah Municipal Power Agency is a corporation with a mission to: “Develop a reliable and economic power supply program to meet the all-requirements electric power and energy needs of its member municipalities.” We built this site using the “OnePress” theme and Divi theme builder.

BYU Choirs


BYU Choir Alumni is a website where Alumni from BYU can register and view media uploaded throughout past years. We built this website using Divi, ACF, Wordfence, Buddypress, Custom Built Plugins, and more.

BCS Invest LLC


BCS Invest is a property management company that specializes in industrial, office, and residential properties. Users are able to view different properties for sale and lease. We built this website using Divi, ACF Pro, Custom Post Type UI, and more.

Patrick Ahearn Architect


Patrick Ahearn Architect creates specialized classic American architecture designed for contemporary living. We built this site from scratch. This site uses a custom-built theme utilizing the Timbr theme rendering framework alongside the “Advanced Custom Fields” plugin.

Forefront Research


Forefront Research is a subscription-based blog. Non-subscribed users are able to see the first paragraph of each post. This website was built using Elementor Pro, Restrict Content, Visibility Logic for Elementor, and custom-coded plugins.

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